Why Bullets Can't Penetrate Bulletproof Glass?

Why Bullets Can't Penetrate Bulletproof Glass?

We know that there are many kinds of glass, the ordinary glass used in our home will have sharp thorns after breaking, it is easy to cut people, and the windshield of the car is blunt after breaking the plane, it is not easy to scratch the skin.Now, there's a higher level, bulletproof glass.

At the beginning , the glass invented is the kind of fragile ordinary glass, until 1874 in France appeared a method of surface stress treatment of glass, called strengthened glass, the principle is to "quench" the glass, the glass uniform and rapid cooling, so that the glass surface uniform compressive stress, while the internal tensile stress is formed. The bending resistance and impact strength of the glass are improved, and the obtuse Angle particles formed after the breaking of the glass are not easy to cause harm to the human body. So far, humans have invented a glass that is stronger and safer than ordinary glass.

Later, with the continuous progress of science and technology, the research and development of glass has also been updated from generation to generation, and the performance of bulletproof glass has also been greatly improved, not only lightweight, but also high strength. Today's bulletproof glass is generally composed of multi-layer glass and sandwich, and the sandwich will also add other material films according to the purpose. For example, the bulletproof glass used by the bank counter will be added to the inside of a layer of metal mesh, once the glass is damaged and the metal mesh is distorted, it will trigger the alarm system.

Why Bullets Can't Penetrate Bulletproof Glass?

Generally, we divide the bulletproof glass into three structures: bearing layer, transition layer and security protection layer. If the bulletproof glass is hit by the warhead, the bearing layer first bears the impact and breaks, and the primary purpose of this layer is to collapse the warhead so that it is broken or deformed, so that it does not have the penetration force to continue inward.

This layer is made of high-strength special glass. The material of the transition layer will then further disintegrate and absorb the penetrating force of the warhead, ensuring that there is no concentration of energy after the strike. The third layer of security protection needs to be elastic and ductile, the warhead cannot penetrate, and special glass or plexiglass is generally used.

Different bulletproof glass can withstand the impact of different bullets, if it is similar to such high-strength force as rockets, bulletproof glass is useless, but science and technology is progressing, bulletproof glass is naturally progressing, the future must be able to develop bulletproof glass that can withstand rockets or even missiles, and its role is not only bulletproof, Once the strength of this glass is extremely strong, it can also be used in the aviation field, and it can also build a submarine base, which is very widely used.

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